Green Steps  provides service opportunities through supporting the environment, the newest area of focus in Rotary.  Green Steps is how members of Rotary E-Club of Central Texas does service together while being apart.  We can each do our part and that is our service.   
Green Step #1 is reducing plastic by taking reusable  water bottle and bag with you.
Green Step #2 Meatless Monday focus is on the impact of meat production on the environment.  
 Green Step #3 Plant Pollinator Plants. By replacing grass you don't have to mow, water, fertilize, or use pesticides and that is good for  bees! 
Green Step  #4 Mindful Mowing (wait until wildflowers go to seed. 
Green Step #5 Leave the Leaves on the ground.
Green Step #6 Respect, Reverence, Respect in Relationship to Mother Earth by walking softly, leave no trace, feast responsibility, look to the Seventh Generation.
Step #7 Plant a Tree.   
Step #8 Lunch Local for Love (shop local farmer's markets)
Step #8- Be kind to bees !
Stop #9  Lights out at night for migrating birds.
Green Steps is how Rotary e Club of Central Texas does service individually since  members live apart so we can all make a difference  together.
Volunteer Blog

Service Above Self

What we do and how we serve:
Rotary brings together a global network of volunteers who dedicate their time and talent to tackle the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges. We use our knowledge of local issues to identify areas of need, then apply our expertise and diverse perspectives to the problem. Our Rotary members are most likely at work in your community right now feeding the hungry, tutoring children, maintaining parks, and more. You can help.

  We inspire each other to serve.

     We work to change our community  by volunteering on a local projects. A challenge of being an E-Club with members in different communities  is service projects.  This is how members can serve; we inspire each other to serve where we live.
       Members are encouraged to please go to Member Area  of our web site and fill out your volunteer hours.
Here are ideas for service.  Please tell us more:
  • Plant trees
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Pick up trash in a park or your neighborhood
  • Take chocolate chip cookies to teachers in a nearby school or fire station.
  • Plant a butterfly garden with native plants
  • Volunteer at a local food pantry and donate food.
  • Read to a child
  • Make Dignity Bags for the Homeless (masks, hand sanitizer, hand wipes, aspirin, band-aides, neosporin, black socks, granola bars, toothbrush, toothpaste, water, peanut butter crackers, etc.) and give out as you see homeless on the streets.
  • Write letters to folks in nursing home.
  • Mentor a child (
  • Volunteer at CASA
  • Volunteer at VFW
  • Attend Rotary District trainings
  • Attend Rotary conference
  • Do trainings on ClubRunner
  • Club Committee meetings
  • Teach ESL

How to fund a project:

  • Suggest your project to the Rotary E Club board for the DAP grant.
  • Make a request to the club's foundation (RESCUSA) for the funds.
  • Make a donation to our club's foundation and designate the money for your project. ( An example would be: I want to take tacos to teacher in a nearby school.  There is a nearby restaurant I want to buy the tacos from.  After contacting both, make a donation to the foundation designating the money for your project.  Invite other members to participate by donating.  Do the project and request the funds.)
Members giving away Virginia pine seedlings as Rotary's Supporting the Environment Area of Focus.
Jerry, Brigette, Linda, Mary Ann, Joan, Erik, Kent planting butterfly garden at Pecan Springs Elementary.

What our members are doing.... 

  • Linda Tyler, Erik, Brigette, Jerry, Joan, Jerry, Sam, Kent, Betty, Adam, and MaryAnn helped plant a Butterfly Garden at Pecan Springs Elementary School.
  • Martha donated to St. Louis Catholic food pantry and other food banks.
  • Joan took tacos to teachers at Mina Elementary School in Bastrop
  • Suresh took donated books to Book Spring to support children reading.
  • Carole M. donated a used car to a young woman who is working her way through college- the first in her family.  
  • Carole M. donated clothes to Women's Pantry in Fort Wayne.
  • Joan and Kent  helped give away over 600 Virginia pine seedlings and planted 200 at their ranch.
  • Dan planted 10 Virginia Pine Seedlings.
  • Linda helped give away Virginia Pine Seedlings and planted 60
  • Gene  planted 25 Virginia Pine Seedlings
  • Ashley planted 10 Virginia Pine Seedling
  • Erik  planted 5 Virginia Pine Seedlings and shared with a neighbor.
  • Brigitte  does Meals on Wheels each week
  • Erik  teaches ESL
  • Linda , Martha , Joan and Kent participated in a Rise Against Hunger Event of bagging rice and beans to be sent where hunger is an issue.This was our club's DAP grant project.
  • Mobile Food Drive- many members in the club participated in 2 Mobile Food Drives.
  • Tiesa  wrote over 60 letters to children who wrote to Santa!
  • Nancy and Bill volunteer at VFW
  • Ashley volunteers at her church
Donate to E-Club Foundation
Donate to our Foundation via Paypal Below - Thank You!
Please click here for more information about our Foundation.