Become a Member
We would love for you to join our Flexible, Friendly, Fun Rotary Family!
There are many benefits of Rotary Membership:
- Socials and network on zoom and in person with other professionals
- Monthly meeting with speaker on zoom
- Participate in service projects locally. Each member is encouraged to do service individually where they live and record their hours of service on our website.
- Participate in development of Global Grants
- Partner with other Rotary Clubs locally and globally
- District Wide Social Gatherings
- International Conference with members from around the world.
- The Opportunity to Serve and Make a Difference
- Continuing Education and Guest Speaker Insights
- Leadership Development Opportunities
- Joint Committees of Interest & expand skills
- Active Facebook information
Our passion is to improve the lives of youth in our community and around the world through Rotary's Areas of Focus and by these projects:
- Sponsor Manor New Tech Interact Club
- Green Steps (supporting the environment ) in your own community.
- Adoption Match (foster children)
- RYLA - Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Camp
- Mobile Food Drive
- Spring Books Deliver Christmas gifts for children
- EAFK (Early Act First Knight) at Pecan Springs Elementary
- Meals on Wheels
- Pine tree seedling give away
- Global Grant to modernize 3 Schools in Nepal
- Exchange Students
- Rise Against Hunger
- Polio eradication worldwide
- Global Grant to provide medical equipment during Covid to Nepal
- Shelter Box (E-Club is a major supporter)
- Covid Global Grant in Nepal
- Global Grant Water Project in Nicaragua (partner with West Austin Rotary)
- Global Grant Water Project in Ethiopia (partner with RCNW Austin)
100% of our members have received Paul Harris awards and are an EREY Club ( Every Rotarian Every Year contribute $100 to the Rotary Foundation) every member gives to the Rotary Foundation so that we are able to do service projects locally and globally.
QUALIFICATIONS for Membership:
- You are a contributor to society in your profession, occupation, industry, business, or community role.
- You commit to the personal ethic of Service Above Self, The Four-Way Test, and support the Objects of Rotary.
- You have been invited by a Rotary sponsor to join the Rotary E-Club and approved for membership by the board.
- You are willing to participate regularly in the Rotary E-Club Community and as appropriate and feasible you are willing to accept a leadership role.
- You are prepared to pay current dues to support the operating costs of Rotary International, the Rotary E-Club and make a minimum of $10 a month contribution to The Rotary Foundation.
- You have regular access to the Internet and are willing to acquire the necessary skills to participate in the Rotary E-Club community features.
- Then we would love to welcome you as a Rotarian Good Friend!
- Annual membership dues are $230 payable in June. This may be paid in full or in quarters.
Rotary E-Club Membership Application
Date ______________
Full Name _____________________________________
Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________
Preferred Email __________________________________
Phone Contact ____________________
Date of Birth _____________ Spouse ___________ Anniversary (if applicable) ___________
Current Occupation ____________________________________________________________
Areas of Interest:
Environment __ International __
Foundation __ Membership __
Social __ Community Service __
Public Image __ Youth/Education __
Fundraising __ Website __
Diversity __ Youth/Education __
If Past Rotarian:
Club or clubs__________________________________________________________________
Areas of Service _______________________________________________________________
Paul Harris level __________ Previous or Current Rotary Membership ID _________________
I understand, that if accepted into membership, it will be my duty to exemplify the objectives of Rotary in all my daily contacts and activities, and to abide by the constitutional documents of Rotary International and the E-Club. I agree to pay dues annually or semiannually in accordance with club bylaws. I hereby give permission to the club to publish my name and proposed application to the club membership.
Signature ____________________________ Date ______________
Sponsor (Please Print)________________________
Please send the application to your sponsor via mail or email:
Please enclose a photo with the application.
Flexible, Friendly, Fun Rotary Family
Austin, TX 78759
United States of America